With more knowledge about the issues that most affect your health, you can start enhancing your vitality and creating a life of greater satisfaction.
Don't hesitate to explore this website. Whether it's for you or somebody you care about, your increased knowledge may have a greater and more positive impact than you realize.

This website is about how to stay active, healthy, happy and informed about your health as you age, but much of the information is good for all ages.
Being a senior can be a rewarding experience but it can also come with many age-related challenges such as mobility problems, aches and pains and depression.

You might not be able to stop ageing, but you can slow it down. By taking the right measures, you can help yourself maintain good physical and mental health, enabling you to stay independent and mobile into very old age.
This is why a website like this is important to help you regulate your health.

This website has been developed by the Kensington and Chelsea Over 50s Forum, an award-winning charity which is dedicated to helping older residents of the Royal Borough to remain independent and informed about issues which affect them. We help the older residents to be part of the decision-making process and to influence the policies which effect their lives.